commit-check –help

usage: commit-check [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIG] [-m] [-b] [-n] [-e] [-s] [-d]


Check commit message, branch naming, committer name, email, and more.

positional arguments:

commit_msg_file commit message file


-h, --help
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v, --version
-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

-c, --config
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG

path to config file. default is . (current directory)

-m, --message
-m, --message

check commit message

-b, --branch
-b, --branch

check branch naming

-n, --author-name
-n, --author-name

check committer’s name

-e, --author-email
-e, --author-email

check committer’s email

-s, --commit-signoff
-s, --commit-signoff

check committer’s signature

-d, --dry-run
-d, --dry-run

run checks without failing